Winter Pools | Texoma Country Pools & Spas

Winter Pools

Believe it or not, it’s possible to go swimming in winter. In this article, we’ll look at what you can do to keep your pool open in year round.
winter pools texoma country pools spas sherman tx
Winter pool

Some people like ice cream in the dead of winter. Others like hot coffee on scorching July afternoons.

We can’t help wanting to do something even though it’s not the “correct” season for it.

Similarly, some of us like to go swimming, even when it’s freezing outside.

Isn’t it a shame that two seasons out of the year we keep our pools covered up?

Luckily for people like us, it’s possible to go swimming in winter. In this article, we’ll look at what you can do to keep your pool open in winter.

How to Heat an Outdoor Swimming Pool

The first step to heating your outdoor pool is inspecting the heat pump to see if it is able to still function properly during cold weather. Some pool heaters are specifically designed to work even in below freezing conditions. These pool heaters are sometimes called “ice breakers,” because they will keep the water in your swimming pool at a warm temperature and prevent ice from forming all throughout the winter months.

If you own a spa too, then one of these “ice breakers” will work for it as well. If your heat pump can’t function during the winter, then you will want to invest in one which can.

How to Keep the Pool Pipes from Freezing

Besides keeping the water comfortable for swimming in, you also need the heater to remain on so the pipes don’t freeze. If that happens, then you could be looking at some costly repairs for your pool’s piping system.

Since ice storms sometimes lead to power outages (as many Oklahomans and Texans are well aware of), make sure the pool heater has a backup source of power.

Shovel Your Pool Deck

While the pool heater should prevent snow from building up around the edges of your swimming pool, you will want to make sure to shovel the rest of your deck.

You probably don’t want to walk through snow to get to your pool every day during the winter, and you don’t want ice to build up which could cause people to slip and fall into the water.

Make Sure Your Pool Can Withstand It

The pool can crack if it’s simultaneously exposed to warm water and cold air. Make sure your pool is built out of a material which won’t become damaged under these temperature differentials.

Build the Pool House Close to the Pool

If you want to build a pool house, make sure you situate it close enough to the pool so you won’t need to walk very far to get into the water. Otherwise, you might have to deal with a chilly journey from the pool house to the pool.

The Advantage of Keeping the Pool Open in Winter

One advantage to consider with keeping your pool open year-round is you don’t need to winterize it. You can continue regular maintenance on it as you would throughout the summer. No longer will you need to spend extortionate amounts on pool chemicals to prepare for the winter.

Even if you don’t swim in your pool every day during the winter, the pool looks more aesthetically pleasing when it’s open than when it’s covered.

It’s the difference between looking at a pool cover and getting to look out over the gorgeous hues of the water contrasted with the beauty of winter surrounding it.



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Texoma Country Pools and Spas
3811 Texoma Pkwy,
Sherman, TX 75090
(903) 891-3483


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