Owning a swimming pool can be time consuming, but most pool owners will tell you it’s worth it. However, some pool owners neglect their pools or do the bare minimum when it comes to upkeep and maintenance. To avoid falling into this trap, start making New Year’s resolutions to start the new year off right by keeping your pool safe and up to date.
These resolutions can help remind you to take preventative measures during the year, keeping your pool and your family safe. Let Texoma Country Pools and Spas help fulfill your New Year’s resolutions.
Keeping up with maintenance and small repairs can help add years to the life of your swimming pool. Don’t get caught doing the bare minimum. Pools can spring leaks or pumps can break down, but establishing a regular maintenance schedule can keep repair costs down and keep your pool open throughout the summer.
Pool repair costs can be astronomical, but a lot of those costs could have been avoided if the pools were maintained properly. This year, make a plan to replace things that are looking worn or old. Whether it be a new pool liner, pool cover, or some concrete work, spend a little bit of money now so you don’t have to pay a lot of money later.
The deck and patio are also a part of the pool, and constant maintenance and upkeep of these things are just as important as the actual pool. Make it a point to start the new year by improving anything that needs attention.
There are a ton of parts that keep a swimming pool running smoothly, and pool skimmers, drains, returns, ladders, lights, and other in-pool items might need to be replaced every few years.
More times than not, the smallest pool parts can wreak the most havoc on your pocketbook, and replacing those parts regularly can prolong the life of your pool. You must also fix any cracks or leaks just as soon as they are noticed because a water leak could affect the stability of the ground surrounding the pool.
Most pool owners will admit that about every 5-10 years a large repair or equipment replacement will occur, costing large sums of money.

Tragedies happen every year in privately owned swimming pools, especially drowning. To prevent injuries, you must focus on pool safety, especially securing pool barriers, fences, gates, ladders, and diving boards. This year, make it a point to install safety locks for pool gates and fences, making sure non-swimmers can’t access the pool. Over time, pool gate locks can break or become less effective, making your pool less safe.
Gates and fences are used to keep out young children and animals that can’t swim or can’t get out of the pool if they fall in. Some states require that you have a secondary fence, pool alarm, and pool cover.
Hosting an annual pool safely meeting with the people that use your pool is highly recommended. Before swimming season starts for the year, host a non-swimming swim party to discuss pool safety rules and procedures.
With the advancement of technology, the need to drive water samples to the pool store is over. Now, you can buy a complete test kit and test your own pool for pH, alkalinity, calcium, sanitizer, and stabilizer.
Make it a point to handle your own water testing this year which can save you time and money. Keep a booklet or spreadsheet to chart your chemical adjustments, and you can test your water without leaving your backyard.

The whole point in having a pool is to relax and have fun, and this summer can be the best summer ever. If you make New Year’s resolutions for your pool, you will be able to invite family and friends without any worry or anxiety.
You can use your pool to workout, swim, or relax, and you can be the most popular pool owner on the block if you follow the resolutions you’ve established.
For more information about Texoma Country Pools and Spas call us at (903) 891-3483 or send us an email at fun@texomapoolsandspas.com.
Every two weeks. Cooler weather can significantly decrease the chlorine your pool requires, and this can lead to excessive chlorine levels which can damage pool equipment. Maintaining proper water chemistry in the off season will reduce the amount of work needed when you’re ready to start swimming again.
Pool test strips are very accurate when analyzing your pool’s chemistry. Pool test strips can be a more reliable method of testing than a liquid test kit. Pool test strips eliminate the risk of human error.