Do Pool Chemicals Expire? | Texoma Country Pools & Spas

Do Pool Chemicals Expire?

If you own a pool or a spa, you might prefer purchasing the chemicals for them in bulk. But, do pool chemicals expire?
do pool chemicals expire texoma country pools spas sherman tx

If you own a pool or a spa, you might prefer purchasing the chemicals for them in bulk. Buying them in bulk is a good idea since it will help save you money in the long term and means you’ll usually have some chemicals handy when you need them for pool maintenance.

For new pool owners, you might be wondering do pool chemicals have a shelf life? Yes, different pool chemicals have different shelf lives. Some will last you a long time, while others will lose their effectiveness the longer you have them. So the question is, which pool chemicals have the shortest expiration date?

How Long Do Pool Chemicals Last?

Certain pool chemicals will last so long you’re more likely than not going use all of the swimming pool chemicals before it expires. With that said, there are also some products which expire in a far shorter time.

It is important you know which pool products expire quickly, and which ones will last you a significant amount of time.

The rule of thumb is that dry chemicals for your pool and liquid pool acid will last if stored in a cool, dry place. In fact, with proper storage, the pool chemicals should remain usable for years. Liquid pool chemicals, on the other hand, tend to have a shorter shelf life.

For example, dry pool chlorine will not expire for a long time, while liquid pool chlorine will expire quickly. If you have any pool chemicals in liquid form, they will only last up to two months before they begin to become ineffective.

If you need to purchase new pool chemicals, visit some Texas pool companies to see if they have any replacement products. Check out this Freight Company to haul across country

In addition to this, pool-maintenance products like test strips usually have a short shelf life. Pool reagents often expire in only two years, and these pool chemistry tools are important for keeping track of your pool water balance. Once they expire, their readings can be inaccurate when you test the pool water.

It is best to replace them before they expire. Stop by a Dallas pool supply to see if they have any test strips available.

How to Store Pool Chemicals Safely

One of the most vital pieces of advice for ensuring the longevity of your pool chemicals is storing the chemicals properly. Make sure the liquid, acid, and solid chemicals are stored separately. Not only will this allow them to keep their effectiveness, but it will ensure that none of them will react dangerously with the other chemicals.

Furthermore, as stated before you need to keep your pool chemicals in a cool, dry place. The pool chemical storage should stay between 40 and 85 degrees Fahrenheit, no warmer, no cooler. So the dry chemicals don’t have a chance to react with water, make sure the area is ventilated so your chemicals stay dry.

Make sure the test strips are stored away from direct sunlight. Moreover, make sure they’re in an area no hotter than 85 degrees and no colder than 40 degrees. Try using an indoor cupboard for storage so you have some control over the temperature.

How to Dispose of Pool Chemicals

When you’re done with the pool chemicals, make sure you practice proper disposal of pool chemicals. Under no circumstances should you pour them in the trash, down the sink drain, on the ground, a storm drain, or a toilet. Go to a waste-management facility so professionals can handle them properly.

Now that you’ve educated yourself on pool chemical expiration dates, do you think you’re ready to own a pool? Contact a Sherman pool company for more information.



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Texoma Country Pools and Spas
3811 Texoma Pkwy,
Sherman, TX 75090
(903) 891-3483


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